Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Two more kilnloads

The last couple of days have been spent firing and packing. We fired two more kilns, packed the MET order into the first boxes (we double box), packed and sent more gallery orders and packed for the Des Moines Arts Festival this coming weekend. Whew! I'm looking forward to sitting in the car for a while!
This was a beauty!

By the way, if you are anywhere close to Des Moines, Iowa, we will be in space #LN15C on Locust close to 13th. The 2010 Des Moines Arts Festival in located on Locust & Grand between 16th and 10th St. around the John & Mary Pappajohn Sculpture Park. The show hours are June 25 Friday from 4pm to 10 pm, June 26 Saturday from 10am to 10pm and June 27 Sunday from 10am to 6pm. We'd love to see you there!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Firing 6/19

We are firing, glazing and firing steadily right now to finish up some more orders and get ready for a couple of retail shows.

Above is one of the bisque firings. We did two before starting to glaze this time. Below both of us are glazing and waxing pots.

Here's last night's firing and more to fire tonight....

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Orders sent

This first photo is a group of pots sent to Sroka Design in Bethesda, MD. Skip Sroka is a designer rather than a gallery owner.
The second photo is an order is for The Turtle Gallery in Deer Isle, Maine which is where Haystack School of Crafts is located. Steve attended Haystack in the summer of 1973 (ouch!) and I went in 1974 (ouch ouch!) 

 The pots to the left are a few that the Douglas Albert Gallery in State College, PA had to wait for us to finish and send. Doug has a very interesting gallery in McAllister Alley...
you'd spend a lot of time looking through it.

 and finally, here are a few individual orders we've recently sent out.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

306 and counting!

After a week of glazing and firing, we now have a total of 306 little #110 minis completed. They have not been inspected and approved for shipment yet but here they are filling our living room! We still have another 30 or so as backups to replace any that don't meet our standards. The order for the Metropolitan Museum of Art catalog is for 300.

Now we'll turn our attention to other orders and our upcoming fair in Des Moines, Iowa June 25-27.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Firing, Firing, Firing

Now for the results of all our work. Steve has been glazing, glazing & glazing then firing, firing & firing.
I've been helping on those and continuing to make our Baltimore orders. With the fair season just about to begin, we are anxious to make some more pieces for retail as well. Our schedule right now is full and most likely will remain that way until August.