Saturday, July 23, 2011

Firing 7/22/11

Mostly the MET order
Adding to the heat wave, I think we became one with the fire yesterday! The kiln turned out perfectly.
101 Smalls for the Museum's store and 110 minis for their catalog

and a special order for a lamp ready Xtra large 101

We also make lamp bases on commission. Usually the customer picks a piece from our website and we agree on its suitability and specific size and  color. We do charge an extra 15% to make a piece 'lamp ready' by making the top opening so a metal cap can be placed on it, opening the bottom so the hardware can be attached and a small hole through the side for the cord to come through.
Closeup of the lamp base

Saugerties Farmer's Market

 As members of the Saugerties Artists Tour, we volunteered to man a booth at the Saugerties Farmers' Market today from 10 am-2 pm. It turned out that it was Children's Day at the market featuring special entertainment for kids during the unbelievably hot weather.
She is a one woman puppet show..very clever!!
Cajun music on a day like they have in SW Louisiana!
Tapping to the music!

Did you know? Hoola Hoops are back in style!

Monday, July 18, 2011

It's Still the Same Old Story

 Continuing on our order from the Metropolitan Museum of Art......

Let it be said though that we are grateful for this opportunity to continue....

Getting silli all the time

Seems like we are dreaming of  101s and 110s ....... They're everywhere. They're everywhere!
From the shower first thing in the am.

to the breakfast table
in the car

to the office

in the garden
for dinner

buy the sink
having fun
what's this??

in our dreams.......

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Berkshire Arts Festival in Great Barrington, MA

On the way to Great Barrington, MA:

The weather did not cooperate for this show. Still, we enjoyed seeing some wonderful work!

First up, fellow Saugertesians, Alex (and Barbara) Kveton:

 More of Alex's work can be viewed at
 He's also on Facebook if you want to keep track of him.

On either side of us were jewelers:
Lisa's work can be seen on and on FB as 'Two Son Jewelry'

You can see Merrie's work at


 Inside the ski lodge were 'High beams' lamps made by Trenny Robb & Bob Michaud

on FB at High Beams Lighting

and these folks with their beautiful glass
Steve and I loved their newest designs which are like abstract paintings. Check out their work at

Finally.... Heartwood Schoolhouse of the Berkshires demonstrated their eco conscious training program.

Take a look:

More information can be gathered at their website or you can call them at 413.623.6677

and that was the Berkshires until next year