Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

2010 has roared into existance with a major blizzard off the east coast. We are having up to 45 mph winds, a light snow and temperatures down into the teens at night. Brrr....... and of course, being on the mountain(small), we were without electric from 1:30 - 4:30 am. this morning.
Steve and I felt like we were in a global freezing movie. The kerosene heater saved the studio and our wood stove saved our home but we are definitely ready to have some 40 degree days, 5-10 mph winds and some sunshine!

This is actually the most difficult time to make pots here. The winds create a bit of a breeze in the studio and coupled with the dryness makes for pots that dry lopsided. You really have to pay attention to the pots to catch them for trimming and decorating.
Right now, Steve and I are gearing up for the start of 2010 pot making. Steve has gotten a head start since he does throw all the pots first. It is a reoccurring cycle of course. Our first show of 2010 will be in Baltimore for the American Craft Council's Wholesale/Retail show in the Baltimore Convention Center. We have been fortunate to be in this great show for a few years and use it as a debut of new work for that year. So as we warm up our hands to making pots again, we plan our new presentations. Usually we restart a cycle by making what we make the most, our production 'Classics'. After settling in to the studio again, we can experiment with the new ideas we've stored up throughout the prior year. Last year, we returned from a trip to see family in Australia with a lot of ideas. All that resulted in a new glaze and Steve's geometric line as well as my small Florals. This year may not be so spectacular but who knows? We are just starting......
During the last of December 'til now, I have not been idle. I set a goal of dividing and repotting all my orchids before the 1st of the year. The last time I did this was 2006 and I could tell the orchids were screaming for more room. I completed the dividing of plants by 15 minutes into the new year and potted up the last of them last night. Seems I am always playing in the dirt!
Here's a peek....

BTW if there are any orchid enthusiasts out there within driving distance of Saugerties, NY, please, please adopt some of these beautiful orchids! Just give me a call at 845.246.6952.

We have also been working on the website over the holiday. We had a local photographer friend expressing the desire to trade some of his skill for a piece of our pottery as a gift for his wife. That was cool! So with one lesson from him, we were able to tweak a bit of the work we have been doing to upgrade our website. Steve had been taking photos of our individual 'Classics' to replace the line drawings online. I redid the entry page and the portal page and put up those single 'Classics' pieces. That was fun!

Our fancy photo setup just barely works!

You really should check it
You'll also see our 2010 fair schedule on the events page now. We've been applying to shows and receiving acceptances and rejections. We are on track to exhibit at more retail shows this year to cover up the lag in wholesale sales we had last year. Of course, that doesn't mean it will happen this year but shows require advance jurying and commitment.

and we're off to a great start!!

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