Monday, March 8, 2010

Firing 3/5/10

When we returned from the Baltimore ACC show a week ago, we just unloaded everything into the shop.
Packing up at a show's end is always a fast moving event during which some boxes get better packed than others. Back at the ranch, we often unpack everything to look at the inventory before deciding what we need to make next. This time I unpacked and repacked the same day, removing orders, filling gaps with other pieces from our stock and then labeling each box. We did this because sooner than soon we will be traveling to another show. It is worth the effort to pack correctly at home rather than try to organize directly from the boxes at a show.

We also had a couple of orders we didn't get finished before Baltimore and so the first day in the studio
Steve glazed those pots to fire on Sunday.
You can see it wasn't a large firing... just enough to get a couple of special pots out.

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